• helot-imbat-water-cooled-water-chiller-scroll.png
Particularly sustainable

Water Cooled Water Chiller (Scroll)

5-600 kW

Note: Product series! This product is available in several versions. The specifications given only represent the span. Contact us for details.

Introducing our water-cooled chiller (Scroll) - an innovative and efficient solution for your cooling needs. With its microprocessor control, automatic and intelligent defrost system and electronic expansion valve, you can rely on its reliable and precise operation. Plus, the unit offers easy service and maintenance options for your convenience. Choose from a range of optional customizations, such as low water flow protection, remote control capability and different condenser types. Basic features of scroll compressor chillers include a wide capacity range and flexible water and condenser temperature ranges. Asymmetrical compressor application and multiple compressor capacity control provide even greater efficiency and cost savings.

  • Microprocessor control for precise temperature regulation
  • Automatic defrost for efficient performance at low temperatures
  • Intelligent defrost system optimization for minimum energy consumption
  • Electronic expansion valve for optimal performance under all operating conditions
  • Easy maintenance and service